WooCommerce Customers Manager

WooCommerce Customers Manager 31.0

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By Vanquish
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Download Free WooCommerce Customers Manager CodeCanyon Nulled 10965432
WCCM expands your WooCommerce installation adding additional functionalities under “Customer” menu voice that lets you easily retrieve all customers personal data, orders, registration date, last orders date, etc…
You can easily discover all personal data info like address, email, registration time, total amount spent, number of orders, etc for every customer registered in your store.
Every customer is fully editable. You can also delete or add new ones.

Easily discover customer last activity with “last order date” column.
Customer list is also filterable by time range and can also be exported in CSV format.
In the Customer Detail Page you can quickly retrieve customer personal data (like billing and shipping addresses, name, surname, phone…) and all orders (and associated products) made by user in a given time range.

In this view you will find clean and nice visual charts that lets you easily find the most purchased products, amounts spent per time rage and amount spent per order for every single customer. Time range can be specified by user.

WCCM moreover can help you to easily discover most “worthy” customers of all time or for a given time range. WCCM can give you right information to help you in tailoring special coupons for your customers.

NOTE: The google maps controller present in the details page uses the free OpenQuest apis, this means that it may not work after the exceed daily request quota.
First release
Last update


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